


What is a Gastroscopy?

A gastroscopy involves a thin tube with a camera and light being inserted down your throat to investigate the condition of your oesophagus, stomach and first section of your small intestine.

A gastroscopy will examine possible causes of symptoms you may be suffering from, or to confirm a diagnosis. A gastroscopy is normally completed within 15 minutes and should only cause minor discomfort.




Why would I have a gastroscopy?

A gastroscopy is normally advised to:

  • Investigate problems such as difficulty swallowing and abdominal pain.
  • Diagnose conditions such as stomach ulcers or gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
  • Treat conditions such as bleeding ulcers, blockages in the oesophagus and non-cancerous growths (polyps)

What happens during a gastroscopy?

Before the procedure you will be required to not eat and drink for at least a few hours prior. The gastroscopy itself will last no longer than 15 minutes and will normally be performed with gentle sedation.

You will be able to return home on the day, but will not be able to drive for twenty-four hours. You will then be able to discuss the results of the procedure at your next consultation.


Arrange A Consultation

If you would like to see a liver specialist or gastroenterologist in Surrey and the South East, please get in touch to arrange a consultation with Professor Ala.

Arrange a Consultation