Hepatologist in Surrey and South East England






Conditions affecting the liver and digestive system

If you are suffering from any kind of pain or discomfort, then the first step is to identify the cause of it.

There are a number of conditions which may be affecting your health, and for a brief overview of each one, please click on the relevant condition.

Alternatively, if you would like to see a gastroenterologist or hepatologist in Surrey, please get in touch to book a consultation with myself, Professor Aftab Ala. 

a man holding his stomach in pain with a graphic showing his gastrointestinal area is inflammed




Diagnosing a wide range of conditions

In the course of my work as a gastroenterologist and hepatologist in Surrey and South East England, I encounter a wide range of conditions, many of which are highly treatable and manageable once they have been diagnosed.

With my assistance, expertise and knowledge, you can obtain quicker diagnosis, and from there access the treatment you need more quickly, avoiding long waiting lists and administrative delays.

a doctor wearing a white lab coat and blue latex gloves holding endoscopy equipment





Specialising in gastroenterology conditions

I am also here to help you access a range of diagnostic procedures, including gastroscopy, colonoscopy, FibroScans, and flexible sigmoidoscopy.

I am a specialist gastroenterologist and hepatologist in Surrey, able to identify many different conditions, and provide the answers you have been looking for.

Call 01483 555816, or use the contact form to get in touch here.